Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New Book From Breast Cancer Sisterhood

I'd like to recommend a sweet new book, "Breast Cancer Sisterhood: A Guide to Practical Information and Answers to Your Most Intimate Questions" by Brenda Ray Coffee with co-author Barbra Swanson. 
Brenda is the founder of BreastCancerSisterhood.com and Barbra is a registered dietitian and doctor of naturopathy.
I finished the book in one sitting, mostly because it's just 82-pages long.  But there's also something very compelling about Brenda's writing style that invites you in.  She draws on her own experiences (ten breast cancer surgeries and eight rounds of chemotherapy) to discuss everything from the obvious (side effects of treatment) to the unmentionable (how to self-lubricate for more enjoyable sex after cancer treatment).  Nothing is off limits.

One thing though: The authors cite no sources. That may be off-putting to some.  Still, there's lots of common sense in those 82 pages. By the time you're done, you'll feel like you've had a really great conversation with a very likable and knowledgeable new friend who enjoys nothing better than telling it like it is.

Brenda has also published, "The Breast Cancer Caregiver: Husbands & Heroes, A Guide to Help You and Thank You for All You Do." The 42-page book (or booklet) covers about half of the material that's in Breast Cancer Sisterhood (including identical text in some instances).  But Coffee changes her point of view and speaks directly to spouses or caregivers.  "I wanted to grab men's attention upfront," Coffee wrote me in a note.  "It's my hope they'll find some golden nuggets to make them better caregivers and role models and be present emotionally."   For women in treatment who need more support from their significant others, this little resource could be a big help.

1 comment:

  1. Books do have a calming effect on the mind.I like the intensity with which the mind is set to rest ...and also the information that sinks in slowly.I like to go to the depths of a subject when I get to know or is experiencing it...have you tried that?
